


Note: For frequently updated reflections on the state of the United States, please refer to this site’s blog.

The site was conceived on behalf of the region of the country populated by the people whom the late Southern novelist Carson McCullars aptly described as “leftover people” – those angry, despised and disenfranchised masses – Southerners, Midwesterners, and Far Westerners – who occupy the broad American heartland known as the red states and who have been deemed “deplorable” and “irredeemable” by Hillary Clinton and others among our national ruling class.

The premise of this site is simple: The so-called Leftover people deserve better. The people held in such low regard by Hillary Clinton and other elites played an indispensable role in building this country, serving as enlisted men and women in far-flung military outposts throughout the world and supplying much of the courage, ingenuity and brawn that not only ensured the settlement of the vast American wilderness but also the remarkable industrialization that followed.

It’s been said that we are actually two – possibly even three or four – nations shoehorned into one.

This site proudly affirms and celebrates the nation in the middle: the men and women of Red State America – the so-called deplorables and irredeemables.

Yes, they deserve better.


Jim Langcuster, Creator and Editor

11 thoughts on “Introduction”

  1. It is in fact quite deplorable that so many of your Red State Americans support and champion a race-baiting, violence-inspiring, narcissistic, blathering, thin-skinned, small-handed, corrupt megalomaniac who mocks persons with disabilities and uses his celebrity status to take advantage of vulnerable women.


    • MissionExtension said:

      Well, that sort of stereotyping is precisely the reason why many of us “deplorables” have embraced Trump.


      • Stereotyping? How so?


      • MissionExtension said:

        This explains it better than I ever could. I think that many in this part kf the country are just tired of being regarded as the hind teat, especially considering that we have supplied a disproportionate share of the officers and enlisted personnel who have carried this nation’s imperial burden.


      • No, sorry but I’m not going to click away to try to understand why you accuse me of stereotyping, especially seeing how ironic your accusation is when the entire premise of your site is based upon the stereotyping of a large chunk of people, those you deem so broadly as Red State Americans. Give me a break. If you don’t have the wherewithal to back up your accusations with your own words, then… peace out.


      • MissionExtension said:

        Actually, I shouldn’t have accused you of stereotyping because you specifically used “some.” I will start with our ruling class: Based on what I have read – and I will contend that it amounts to substantial reading – our elites by and large despise Flyover Country. They truly see it populated by deplorables – people who essentially lack value, are unimaginative and who are wedded to antiquated notions. I tend to agree with Tucker Carlson’s observation that many of these people lack genuine intellectual curiosity and garner most of their opionions from elite sources of news. Moreover, they tend to regard many other opinions as crazy, even though they don’t even bother to understand them. Also, I think that neoliberalism is a crock, and the problems associated with this economic doctrine have been exacerbated even more by the exigencies of the digital age. These two factors combined – the elites’ sympathies and the effect of digitalization – present a palpable threat to the economic interests of the American heartland, really as much as Lincoln’s National Whig policies threatened those of the agricultural, exporting South. The American heartland economy is focused primarily on manufacturing and extracting materials and crops from the earth. Consequently, the neoliberal policies of urban, coastal elites are simply not appeaming to much of the heartland. Trump, despite all of his manifold problems, comes closer to speaking the economic language of the region. And, of course, there are tge sociocultural differences among the regions that predate the American Revolution.


      • I didn’t use “some” I said “so many.” Regardless, instead of addressing my statement specifically about how deplorable it is that so many people voted for such a reprehensible candidate as Trump, you give a convoluted history lesson about how dim-witted and without values Trump’s “Flyover Country” voters are, which in essence is your attempt to justifying their easy ability to embrace the race-baiting, violence-inducing dog whistles blown happily by Trump.

        However, by siding with Carson and by referring to these “so-called deplorables” as “they” and “these people” you posture yourself as standing apart from them. However, despite your “substantial reading” and accumulated knowledge about things, I gather that you too were either attuned to the whistles or have found some way to stomach them and voted for Trump in solidarity with these people who lack your genuine intellectual curiosity.

        If, in fact, you did vote for Trump, how did/do you rationalize away your support for such a race and violence-baiting, pro-Russian, etc. candidate/president-elect?


      • MissionExtension said:

        Sorry, but nothing fruitful will come from further discussion. “Peace Out,” as you say.


      • Seriously? I was going to walk away whe you dismissed me initial response as stereotyping. But you rethought that, which I thought was cool, and then went on with a response that attempted to justify a large segment of the population’s ability to vote for Trump. You justify other’s vote for Trump but when I use break down your response by quoting your words in an effort to make sense of it, and then I ask for you to further it by justifying your vote for Trump, you now walk away from the discussion? Why? Is your genuine intellectual curiosity toward those who lack genuine intellectual curiosity? Before we both peace out in earnest, all I sincerely want to know is how you were able to overlook all of Trump’s negatives, which I provided an overview of in my initial response, so that you were able to vote for him? Actually, I invite you to post your response directly to my blog. Perhaps something fruitful will come from having this discussion there from others’ involvement. I have an audience of both pro and anti Trump… admittedly most are anti-Trump there so I don’t know if you’d be up for it but it would be awesome if you were. What do you say?


      • MissionExtension said:

        Fair enough. I will says this: I fear the authoritarian proclivities of the left as much as the right. Am I a bona fide Trump fan? Absolutely not. I think that he is gauche, anti-intellectual, somewhat megalomanial. Until a few weeks before the election, I had intended to vote for Gary Johnson. (Indeed, I have voted Libertarian for the last few election cycles, though my sympathies are largely red tory.)

        But Hillary’s “deplorables” and “irredeemables” transformed me into a reluctant Trump voter – aside from that, Johnson, after all his stupid, ill-informed comments and rapid descent in the polls, didn’t really seem to me as a viable expression of protest against this corrupt two-party system.

        Anyway, Trump frightens me to a degree – I’ll readily admit that. But the Obama/Clinton corruption of the Justice Department disturbed me even more – add to that the shenanigans of the Clinton Foundation, the rise of the leftist legions of Chinese-style Red Guardism on college campuses, and the use of “deplorables” and “irredeemables” to describe roughly a fourth of the electorate. After contemplating all of that, well, I began to fear for the future of the American Republic, what’s left of it, at least.

        It seems to me that the white working and underclass are undergoing what could accurately be described as kulakization. They’re have become the whipping boy of the what Ross Douthat has very brilliantly and accurately described as the “sustainable stagnation” of the Obamaism/Clintonism – in other words, the ideology of the American ruling class.

        For this managed stagnation to work, somebody has to be demonized – kulakized – and that sorry fate has fallen to the white working and underclass, the “deplorables and irredeemables. In essence, this enables the ruling class to reward its accredited victim groups, while simultaneously plying its doctrines of neoliberalism and globalism, which, of course, directly benefit them.

        If that sounds conspiratorial and even a bit malignant and embittered, excuse me. I’ve prided myself as pretty much of a purple tory – a moderate conservative of the Eisenhower mold – but I do believe that there is a helluva lot of truth in this argument.


      • Okay, so it seems like you’re saying within all that that the reason you voted for Trump, despite your misgivings for him, is because of Hillary’s “deplorables” comment.

        Which, to be honest, I find very hard to believe.

        For one, you seem to be too well-read and too understanding of history, politics, and the history of politics to let rhetoric, inflammatory as it may be, and rhetoric meant for those who understand the issues least, to be so swayed by it.

        For two, I have listened to her speak the comment and I have read the transcript of the comment, and, granted I am not looking at it as critically as you and other Trump supporters probably are, but it isn’t that bad.

        Seriously, as discerning as you seem to be, are you really telling me that it was that comment that motivated you to vote for Trump and his hate/violence-inspiring campaign?


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